Siguiendo los Pasos de Jesus, Inc.


SPJ is changing lives home by home.
SPJ has trained local residents the art of masonry to construct homes and infrastructure within their own community, which allows them to also provide for their family!
SPJ homes are built to meet the needs of the family size, not one style or size fits all. Some families have special needs and some have additional adult relatives in residence. Average homes are 1050 square feet, which includes at least 3 bedrooms, open concept living room/kitchen and an indoor bathroom.
SPJ homes are built by local laborers and all materials, except electrical supplies, are purchased in the area to support local businesses. The total cost per home, including labor, is $10,000.
SPJ furnishes each home with new beds for each family member, as well as brand new kitchen cabinets, a new wood stove, and a refurbished stove and refrigerator. Locally donated furniture is supplied to each home as it is acquired, including a sofa, kitchen table, chairs, and dressers.
Often we are able to supply kitchenware, linens and other household accessories as donated
SPJ continues to serve in the area in which it builds and is readily available should the homeowner have a need for SPJ to return for a broken door lock, broken glass, or roof damage. SPJ has also returned if needed, after several years, to add a fresh coat of outside paint. In addition, SPJ has an annual dispensing of wood to heat the homes for those in need. SPJ is a helping hand where truly needed.

SPJ needs YOU. Your monetary support will make a difference.
Sponsor a home for $10,000
Be a team leader to raise awareness and money to build a home.
Seek out corporate sponsors, churches/groups looking to join SPJ volunteers in raising money and building.
Whether you join our construction team in spirit or in actual labor, it is a gift to the community. Show you care and share your blessings with those born into a cycle of generational poverty.